Gratitude for Richard Hays' Changed Mind
In 2006 an LGBTQ advocacy group called “Soulforce” visited the campus of Abilene Christian University, where I was teaching at the time....
Gratitude for Richard Hays' Changed Mind
The Power of Stillness
We're STILL here!
Does God Still Love My LGBTQ Child?
My Response to ACU's Holy Sexuality Week
Tips On Coming Out...Again
Thank You, Andy Stanley, for Supporting Parents of LGBTQ Children
“For all of your days”
Just One Family
What My Parents Needed
What the CenterPeace Conference is All About
A Rare Soul.
Jesus Is With Us. All of us.
Coming Out. A Quarter of a Century Later.
Always Enough
High Hopes
REASON #9: The Documentaries
Reasons to Attend the CenterPeace Conference: “Virtual” Benefits
The Story I Never Wanted to Tell
An Introduction to the Intersection of Racial & LGBTQ Identity