LGBTQ Community
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full"
John 10:10
CenterPeace offers a variety of opportunities to grow deeper in relationship with God and others. Learn more about retreats, shared meals, online community, and local events. Join others who are walking this journey of faith.
CenterPeace also provides guidance on helpful resources, including books, videos, and podcasts. If you have any questions or need help, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at info@centerpeace.net.

LGBTQ Community
This private Facebook group is for LGBTQ folk who want to be part of the CenterPeace family. Its a place to develop healthy friendships and grow in our Christian faith. In addition to on-going conversation on Facebook, the group has a quarterly Zoom connection called
Nurturing Faith.n.
The next CenterPeace Conference is
October 2026. Save the Date!
Just Dinner
A shared meal with LGBTQ folk and allies. Come as you are and be accepted, whether you are a Christian or atheist. No agenda. No bait and switch. There are gatherings in Dallas and other cities. Contact us for locations at info@centerpeace.net
Explore books, videos, and podcasts on faith and sexuality. Find resources on personal growth as an LGBTQ person, as well as resources on the Bible and sexuality.
Stories & Tunes
Those in the Dallas-Forth Worth area can enjoy an evening of LGBTQ testimonies and worship. Held at a local coffee shop it's open to LGBTQ folk and allies. For location and dates, contact us at info@centerpeace.net