Certificate Overview

The key to making a difference.
Learning Objectives
The CenterPeace Certificate in LGBTQ Ministry is a 9-month training program to equip pastors and other Christian leaders (including lay ministers) to fully integrate sexual and gender minorities into the life and leadership of the Church. This program provides you crucial insight and practical tools for nurturing the faith and spiritual gifts of LGBTQ people.
More specifically, participants can expect to gain the following knowledge and skills:
Increased understanding of LGBTQ people as a minoritized population
Awareness of social location's impact on perceptions of LGBTQ people
Practices of storytelling, listening, and empathy
Identification of common needs among LGBTQ people and family members
Best practices for trauma-informed care
Understanding of resiliency and how to cultivate it
Tools for reconstructing faith and growing in Christian spiritual practices
Increased understanding of spiritual gifts and their application
Empowerment of LGBTQ leadership in the Church
Ability to distinguish between constructive vs. dysfunctional advocacy
Healthy practices of evangelism and outreach to the LGBTQ community
Effective collaboration with community partners
Discernment and implementation of an action plan for your church/Christian organization and local community
Each cohort is intentionally limited to twelve participants to enhance the learning experience. Special attention is given to building strong relationships and collegiality among the cohort members.
Program Schedule & Details
Semester Dates:
August–December 2025 (Fall term)
January–May 2026 (Spring term)
The program is designed to be substantive while fully accessible to those who are working full-time. Participants can expect to spend approximately 5 hours a week on program activities (class time + homework).
Four modules (Storytelling, Trauma-Informed Care, Spiritual Formation and Leadership, and Outreach). Each semester covers two modules.
In-person retreat
Monthly cohort Zoom sessions (1st Monday of each month; 7:30–9pm Central Time / 5:30–7:00pm Pacific / 8:30–10:00pm Eastern)
Monthly video training and online discussion forum per month (completed at your pace during 3rd week)
Weekly assignments
To receive the certificate, participants must meet the following requirements:
Attend in-person retreat
Attend at least 90% of class sessions (Zoom and forum)
Complete at least 90% of weekly assignments
Create an Action Plan at the end of the program
Lodging and meals for two in-person retreats are fully covered in the program costs.
$900 (can be divided into two $450 payments at the beginning of each semester)
$50-75 on assigned books
Travel costs to in-person retreat. Lodging and meals are covered, you just have to get yourself there.
Fall Semester
Module 1: Storytelling
Participants will learn the stories of LGBTQ people, including those within their congregation, as well as stories of parents and family members of LGBTQ people. These will be considered within broader historical and demographic movements.
Your Social Location and Perceptions of LGBTQ People
LGBTQ Demographics and Historical Context
Listening to the Voices of LGBTQ People
Stories of Parents and Family Members with LGBTQ Loved Ones
Module 2: Trauma-Informed Care
Participants will learn tools for responding to common trauma and challenges LGBTQ people and their families face, including navigating discrimination, coming out, overcoming shame, practices of lament, self-care, and cultivating resiliency.
Challenges and Joys of Coming Out
Belovedness and Overcoming Shame
Grief and Practices of Lament
Cultivating Resilience
Spring Semester
Module 3: Spiritual Formation and Leadership
Participants will learn how to move from trauma-informed care to spiritual practices for faith development, identifying spiritual gifts, and empowering Christian leadership. The goal is to fully integrate LGBTQ people into congregational life and leadership. These practices are also helpful for parents and family members of LGBTQ loved ones.
Stages of Faith Development
Spiritual Practices and Formation After Trauma
Spirituality and Interpersonal Relationships
Spiritual Gifts and Leadership
Module 4: Outreach
Participants will learn how to reach out to LGBTQ people in the broader local community outside the church. Once a congregation has begun to integrate their own LGBTQ members, it can give attention to constructive advocacy, evangelism, networking, and community partnerships.
What Is An Ally? Understanding Constructive Advocacy
Getting to Know Your Local LGBTQ Community
Evangelism: A Place for Everyone at Christ’s Table
Collaboration and Community Partnerships
What’s Next? Creating Your Action Plan