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The Power of Story

Writer's picture: Sally GarySally Gary

For the past several months, posts on the CenterPeace blog have been sparse.  There’s a reason for that….

Besides the fact that sometimes I just don’t do the things I have good intentions about doing, I’ve been working on a book.  It’s been an exciting process – a scary process! – but one that I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to explore.  I’m anxious to be able to share the completion of the project with you over the next several months as we go to press in March.

And next summer it will be ready to read!

Until then, let’s look at some work that’s already out there….

More and more people are sharing their stories in the form of memoir these days.  Two really good reads I’ve enjoyed recently are Wesley Hill’s Washed and Waiting, and Justin Lee’s Torn.  While these books aren’t necessarily memoir, the authors share quite a bit of their own personal journeys in the midst of presenting their perspectives on homosexuality in general.  In doing so, they put a face on homosexuality.  So we can see that this isn’t about an issue, but real people. 


Real people we know and love. 

In our neighborhoods. 

In our schools. 

In our families. 

In our churches.

Our stories are powerful.

Because when I know your story, and I realize that your story is unique, yes, but also similar to mine, well, I look at you differently.  Suddenly I begin to care about what you think, what you feel, what you need.

That’s the power of story.

I think that’s why Jesus used stories – stories about the simplest things.  Things that people in his world could relate to.  Things like mustard seeds and fig trees, farmers planting fields and shepherds tending sheep.  Things that you and I still relate to, like waiting patiently for sons to come home.

The book I’m working on is a collection of stories about the simplest things, too.  Simple moments from my life that, all combined, had a huge impact on who I am today.

It’s not a book about how to fix yourself if you’re attracted to your own gender.  I don’t know anything about that.

It’s not a book that will tell you what to think or “do” about homosexuality.

It’s simply a collection of stories about my experience as a woman who grew up loving God, and unexpectedly found herself physically and emotionally attracted to women. 

At the end I’ll tell you some of what I think, for what it’s worth.  My perspective might be very different from what you assume it will be.  My perspective might also be very different from yours. 

But that shouldn’t end the discussion.

I’m praying it will start some really sweet conversations.

Coming in June 2013 from Leafwood Press!

Coming in June 2013 from Leafwood Press!

(In the meantime, we’ll be reviewing the books I mentioned earlier in this post, so if you’d like to read with us, click on the icons above to order a copy off of Amazon, or  purchase a copy from your favorite bookseller.   To give everyone time to get the books and begin reading, we’ll wait a few weeks to start with Wesley Hill’s Washed and Waiting:  Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality.  Looking forward to exploring these books together!)

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