Start your week off right, with a reminder of God’s unconditional, unchanging love for us, through this mom’s fierce love for her son. Here’s a word from my friend, Gail Vollmering.
Oh, how I wish I knew then what I know now.
That’s what I tell people today five years after my son came out to me. Having never been around anyone gay (whom I knew was gay), I had no idea that it wasn’t a choice. I had always heard and assumed that people chose to be gay or that Satan had turned them away from God and they had gone down this pathway.
“But that goes against everything the Bible says!”
That was the first thing that came out of my mouth when Connor told me he was gay. Now this issue had hit home and I was searching, praying, reading, listening and trying to understand all I could.
One thing I knew for sure – I loved my son and that wasn’t going to change.
After finding CenterPeace and then being introduced to others who experienced same-sex attraction, I began to see things from their view. “Why would I choose this?” and “For years I have prayed for this to go away and nothing has changed.” Those are the things I was hearing from people telling their stories. When that finally soaked in, things began to get better in my relationship with my son and my feelings towards people with SSA.
Had I known that day what I know now, it would have been a better day than it was. I would have answered lovingly and compassionately. We would have had meaningful conversations much earlier than it took. I would have found peace within me much sooner than I did.
I since have apologized to my son for my reaction that day he came out. He knows I didn’t know any better and we have moved into such a good place now. I’m beyond thankful for how God helped us through the hard times and got us to where we are now. I don’t have all the answers today and that’s okay. I know that as much as this mamma loves her son, God loves him even more.
I know God’s with us, He’s got this and that’s all I need to know.
